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Home Remedies to Help Ease Toothache

Toothache happens to everyone – whether it’s instant or that slow creep up, it’s certainly not the most pleasant feeling in the world. Often caused by decay, broken or loose fillings or even receding gums, it is vital that the rooting issue of your toothache is determined, meaning the emergency dental appointments we offer now come in handy.

But what about if you’re abroad or you can’t make it to us ASAP? Below are a few home remedies to help ease a toothache until you can reach the practice.

  1. Cold compress – if a toothache is caused by swollen gums or an injury, holding a cold compress against your cheek on the affected side can offer temporary pain relief as it constricts blood vessels near the area and also reduce any swelling and inflammation.

  2. Peppermint tea – peppermint although has many beneficial properties, is great to numb pain and soothe sensitive gums. Apply a used tea bag to (in a cool state but still slightly warm) to the affected tooth or area and rest it for a few minutes. Alternatively, use a cool tea bag and place in the freezer for a few minutes to chill it before applying to the tooth if you do not wish to warm the area. Another alternative is to simply sip on peppermint tea.

  3. Salt water rinse / antibacterial mouthwash – the most common form of treatment amongst many, salt water is a natural disinfectant and helps to loosen food particles that can be stuck in between teeth. It can also help to reduce inflammation and assist in healing any oral wounds. Mix ½ to 1 teaspoons of salt into a glass of warm water and use it as mouthwash or alternatively use an antibacterial mouthwash.

  4. Garlic – garlic has been recognised for its medicinal properties for hundreds of years, given it can kill harmful bacteria which causes dental plaque, it can also be used as pain relief. Simply crush a garlic clove to create a paste and apply it to the affected area (adding a bit of salt to the paste if you wish), or slowly chew a clove of fresh garlic.

  5. Vanilla extract – not the most commonly heard of but vanilla extract contains alcohol, which can help to numb the pain alongside its antioxidant properties which help to make it an effective healer. Dab a small amount of vanilla extract onto your fingers or a cotton ball and apply it directly to the affected tooth or area a few times across the day.

  6. Clove – clove oil has been used throughout history to treat toothache as the oil can help numb the pain and reduce inflammation. As it contains eugenol, it makes it a natural antiseptic. Dab a small amount of clove oil onto a cotton ball and apply directly to the affected area. You can also dilute this with other oils like carrier oil or olive oil or even use water – repeat this a few times per day. Alternatively add a drop of clove oil to a small glass of water and use as a mouthwash.

  7. OTC painkillers – the likes of ibuprofen and paracetamol can also help to keep the pain relief up and assist in beginning to numb any swelling.

If your toothache progressively gets worse or does not reduce down with any home treatments – book an emergency dental appointment by calling 01708 477577 or booking online. You should also see the dentist if you experience any feverish symptoms, the pain lasts for more than 2 days, swelling or if there is pain when you bite and abnormally red gums.

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