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What travel advice do I need when travelling abroad?

Important tips to remember when getting ready to travel:

  1. Pack your sun cream/after sun and apply everyday!

  2. ALWAYS get travel insurance in case of any immediate emergencies.

  3. Remember all your travel documents and most importantly your passport.

  4. Stay hydrated, especially in a hot country.

  5. Take any insects repellent recommend - this can be found online or if you book in with us through a travel consultation

  6. Have the recommended vaccines for the country you are travelling to. We offer travels consultations, vaccinations and Malaria tablets at Best Health Clinics and are a registered Yellow Fever Clinic.

  7. If you take any medication, make sure you take these with you ( certain medications will require a letter from the GP)

  8. Packs a basic first aid kit including painkillers, antihistamines, bite relief creams, rehydration sachets and diarrhoea tablets. Don't form an insect repellent contains at least 50% DEET.

  9. Check the countries travel requirements, although most countries don't require COVID vaccination proof, it is always best to double check.

Holidaying is good for your heart :)

Travel Vaccines at Best Health Clinics

We have many travel vaccine options available at Best Health Clinics, such as:

  • Rabies

  • Yellow Fever

  • Malaria tablets

  • Typhoid

  • Tetanus/polio/diphtheria

  • Hepatitis A

  • Japanese Encephalitis

  • Cholera and more...

If you are unsure on what vaccines you may need please book in with us for a travel consultation where our lovely pharmacist will be able to give you the right information and it will also give you the chance to ask any questions you may have.

Call us for more information or to book an appointment on 01708 477 577, or you can book online at


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