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Sobia's Invisalign Blog

Day 1 - 4/10/18

I’m waiting for my appointment to have my Invisalign fitted today. I’m feeling quite excited and a little bit nervous. Ayesha, the dentist as shown me my CliniView video, so I know what to expect as the final result. I have previously had fixed braces as a teenager but my teeth have relapsed and are not straight any more. I am looking forward to getting my teeth nice and straight after!

Day 2 - 5/10/18

I had my Invisalign fitted yesterday! The whole procedure was very quick and painless. Ayesha the dentist explained everything to me and was very gentle.

Firstly she did a quick check of my teeth and explained were she would add the attachments. Once these were added, i was given my aligners- four in total. I need to wear each one for one week at a time and Ayesha will see me in one month time. She gave me full instructions on how to look after my aligners and what to do to get the best results. Luckily this was all in the leaflet as well, just in case I forgot!

I have to wear them for at least 22 hours a day. Ayesha has given me a couple of chewies, which I need to chew after inserting my aligners to make sure they fit correctly.

I was a little bit apprehensive about putting then on and removing them, but after a few goes I felt like a pro!

The only time I have to remove them is when I eat. I can only drink cold water with them in; otherwise I need to remove them.

I have a lovely blue case to put them in to store them, and I need to brush my teeth and the retainers before I pop them back in.

I have worn them over night and they feel quite comfortable. At first they felt really alien but I have quickly gotten used to them. I thought my speech would be affected but I sound normal, and people have not even noticed. When I went home, I did not tell my children and even they did not notice! You cannot tell I am wearing them and they are really unnoticeable. However, when you smile you can notice them if you stand close by.

On the first few days Ayesha advised that may be some sores as the aligners will be gently moving my teeth.

I had a dull ache in the evening and at night time, but it did not affect my sleep- today the ache had gone.

I am quite excited to see my results and cannot wait to have straight teeth!

Week 3

Two weeks into my Invisalign. I can’t believe how quick it is going. Te second aligner seems to be much thicker when I changed last week. I could feel a dull ache on my teeth for a couple of days. This is a good sign as it means there is movement on my teeth!

I’m still getting used to removing my aligner every time I eat, which can get annoying. I also find I have to give them a good clean with a tooth brush and toothpaste at least once a day, otherwise plaque begins to form on the surface. No one has noticed that I am wearing them and they are quite discrete. I have not noticed any difference to my teeth as of yet, but I am guessing the changes are subtle.

The chewies are really useful to chew on to make sure the aligners fit well!

Week 4

I can’t believe I have completed four weeks of my treatment and as a quarter of the way through!

I went on holiday last week and I had no problems apart from leaving them wrapped in a tissue and the waiter threw them in the bin! Don’t worry we managed to retrieve them. After that I made sure when I ate I put them back in the Invisalign case!

I have got used to the aligners’ now and forget I am wearing them. I can take them out easily with no problem. I’m actually finding I’m more conscious of what I eat as I have to remove them every time. So I am snacking less!

I had my one month review and saw on my video the movement on my teeth. I can also feel my teeth have moved out, I cannot notice any difference to look at as it is very subtle.

I now have week 5-8 aligners and I am looking forwards to starting that!

Week 8

I am halfway through my treatment! I can’t believe how fast it has gone! Time is passing very quickly and I will be finished in no time.

My aligners are feeling very comfortable and I don’t even realise I am wearing them at night time.

I have noticed a difference in my teeth this week. Both my top and bottom teeth are looking a lot straighter. I am really excited to see the difference after all these weeks and can’t wait to see the final result.

Close family and friends have also commented on how good my teeth are looking, so this is giving me lots of confidence. Everything is going well and I am really happy

Week 14

Finally I am on my last aligner. The time has passed so quickly and I have completed my treatment. I am really happy with my teeth and they are really straight. I have looked at my CliniView and old photos and I can’t believe the difference in such a short space of time!

I am really happy with my results and I am now wearing my aligner for the second week while I am waiting for my retainer wire to be made. I have had my impressions taken and when my retainer wire arrives I will book an appointment to have my attachment removed and the wire added. I am also getting Vivera retainer to wear at night to ensure my lovely new smile remains straight. Ayesha will take the impressions for these once my attachments are off. I’m very excited to have these off so I can show my new smile!

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